A one hour segment had become available in Community Programming at the Southport Radio Broadcasting where she had recorded six months earlier, with the winning proposal of a semi-scientific spiritual call-in chat show.
All this time later they just now had finally got back to her, needing to fill the 7 am spot that had become vacant with short notice.
“Must not be late” she emphatically reminded herself - setting two clocks and four alarms, to be certain of at least one actually working on time. The spirits were known for playing tricks with their settings - waking her at midnight, or cancelling them out entirely.
A strange unease came over Eve as she drove through the lane and out onto the open road. She dismissed this as simply being ‘nerves’ and rehearsed in her head what could be a great place to begin. Unbeknown to her, her passenger was back seated behind - Needles had waited all night expectantly for the next ride.
-Gabriel Brunsdon, Finding Self - Second Guesses- Azlander Series