
Friday, 8 February 2019

Stanhope Manor

Thrice the bell sounded to an empty corridor. The figure at the door had departed, flicking the latch, the gate snappily clacked shut, and the house wheezed an ethereal sigh, much relieved.

For a decade Stanhope Manor had sat empty with only the Lady Marthorn and her borders in residence; who preferred the mansion to be vacant - for the commotion of mortals gave them all a terrible brain fag: which was a fatigue from the constant interruption to their creative sensitivities....

Puck made his commute from the forest to the town house that he and Marley shared, keeping a watchful eye, all the while on Stanhope, protecting its ghosts and the wealth of mineral that lay tucked beneath it.

-Gabriel Brunsdon, Puck in Hell, Azlander Series

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