
Saturday, 5 September 2020

Creatures Congregated

George fully believed his role as an inspector was needed, and that his judgements mattered. And even after his death in '97 George took but a few weeks leave, before returning to his duties once again.

With spirit-eyes he would watch over the cooks as before, often standing beside a hundred or so spirit-chickens, who would watch their little body's final moments being pulled apart, braised or roasted - consecrated in gravies and wine.

Sometimes it was the ghosts of the Quail, the Deer and the Crab - there was practically every creature to be eaten remaining in that cookhouse, still astrally attached to its former body ... that same body that had swum the rivers just a day before; or sailed the sky - felt the breeze on their woolly cheek; or mother's soft lick.

These creatures congregated in the hot and crowded kitchens seeing their bodies burn. And George stood with them, watching on.

- Gabriel Brunsdon, AZLANDER: NEVER ENDINGS: Second Chances

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