
Tuesday, 22 December 2020

His Natural Abilities

Arizona was unseasonably hot, even for the desert’s days, and the sight of a man in a Kaftan was not the most unusual thing that could be seen around the town.

Francis still held an uncanny talent winning over animals and plants. Back in his flat in Utah there were pot plants all over his shelves and floors. He would bring a little sapling home and within the week it was overgrown.

His natural abilities surpassed the best of the mortals in this modern age, which was not surprising, for as did his virtue.

Elvish blood can carry you so far, however it is true righteousness that appeals to the heavens and their graces, for the bestowing of their higher powers.

It really seemed to go hand-in-hand: that the more accomplished the soul (be them elvish or man) the more that they heard the hearts of others and loved them well.

Although Francis had an idea of the approximate location that Anon was in, he really could not tell what building or what person, might be holding him. His intuition brought him to the gates of Johnstone Bio-phio Chemicals, where inside the compound his beloved friend lay at the feet of the woman in red.

-Gabriel Brunsdon, AZLANDER: NEVER ENDINGS: Second Chances


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