He once explained to Charley, “We don’t really have very much to work with when it comes to humans. There are but a few basic types of thinking in men: reactive, self-aware, empathetic and creative - added to these categories are the inflections of whether or not the thinker is basically selfish or kind. Selfishness draws thoughts back to referencing the past, whilst the kindly thinker held a projective capacity which could plan for the future, grasping the present with a comprehensive view that could see past themselves.
“When any individual is being selfish the cloud of thinking becomes quite dark, and when the mind is turned outward towards another person or need, then a certain light is attracted energetically to them. Oddly enough ‘enlightened thinking’ really has such a literal meaning - and pertains almost always to unselfish thought. The ‘light bulb moments’ are true - and such realisations that come with the greatest of revelation and insight, are those that are the greatest distance from one’s own self. Far reaching ideas need such distance!”
-Gabriel Brunsdon, AZLANDER: NEVER ENDINGS: Second Chances
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