
Wednesday, 11 August 2021

Charley & the Chinaman

“He’s so careful, he’s so intuitive, I don’t understand how this could have happened.”

Calvin had phoned the ambulance depot and then grabbed the first-aid satchel from the kitchen, snatched the wound jar from the shelf, and a box of surgical gloves - moving as quickly as he could onto the path to the back of the compound, to the rear gate. He hoped that Charley was exaggerating and that he would find Francis laughing about a tumble with just a few scrapes along the way.

Charley and the Chinaman were right beside him running fast - Bruce-Pietro had overheard about the accident, and was becoming heartbroken all over again. He really could not bear the goodbyes with his son. He picked up his pace and ran ahead.

“Remind me, why is the cleaner coming with us?" Calvin asked Charley absentmindedly as they made their way along the sandy track watching the small figure get ahead of them in the distance - the elderly man running faster than any man should go.

They still had at least another five minutes to reach the base.

“Chinese Medicine?” she said hesitatingly.

- Gabriel Brunsdon, AZLANDER: NEVER ENDINGS: Second Chances

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