
Saturday, 30 October 2021

A Faerie Bear

Puck pressed pass the clown. Side by side, he was twice his size.

There was a trailer on the edge, made up like a Gypsy’s caravan. A sign in gold, above the arched door, read: “The Great Granoldi”.

He knocked loudly three times and then entered. The great Granoldi was sleeping rather heavily, just as the midget had said.

He was - is - a Faerie Bear, not native to this realm, but having wandered from his own, this immortal chose to live in the Earthly space. That is, for the most part; for while he slumbers he returns to his homeland to roam the magical forests there.

“Does he understand any language?”

“Oh, he understands all language, but never learnt to speak more than a few.”

“But why stay here then?”

“I asked him that not so long ago, and he had answered: 'because it was amusing'. Bears are pretty phlegmatic you know.”

- Gabriel Brunsdon, AZLANDER: NEVER ENDINGS: Second Chances

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