Puck had called to Paracelsus several times telepathically hoping that he would be able to avoid passing down into this Eighth Sphere to find him ... but it perhaps it was that the preoccupied mind had blocked his message and could not receive him.
He would have wished at the very least to have an escort, but could not see any of the winged apes around to help.
He came to the rope ladder that trailed down the side and into the abyss. Although thick and wiry it was worn and showed signs of quite possibly giving way. He started to tremble for this was a face of Humanity he cared not to look at. An optimist at heart, he could not endure decrepitude.
Stepping closer he peered over, listening to the wailing that was rising from the distance below. He turned back quickly, forgiving himself his failure - with his nerves giving way to a new change of plan.
-Gabriel Brunsdon, Puck in Hell, Azlander Series