
Friday, 28 December 2018

Certain Freedoms were Holy

Puck could never see the point of anyone wanting to own the World; but throughout the ages he had watched quite a few aspire to it; littering countries with death and upset to achieve their end desire.

Perhaps it was merely a sickness after all - just like any other illness of delusion - only it was cleverly convincing and with devastating consequence, when others were taken by their visions.

He knew too, that certain freedoms were holy, and that corruptions seeking to disable men could only be the prize of demons, who with their jealousies enjoyed the chaos that they caused.

He had always thought that they (the demons) were not much to look at - with their clamour and grope, ever-present at accidents, overdoses and orgies - feeding from the energies expired there, inciting more to come.

For the demons have no life of their own and so they obsess after the mortals fanatically.

The Fey won't tolerate them and just brush them away - for most are as small as your hand.

-Gabriel Brunsdon, Puck in Hell, Azlander Series

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