
Friday, 21 December 2018

Because they are Made of Men

"You have to understand my son, that these beings [demons] so born, have no souls, or conscience, and no ability to spawn life of their own. This is why they resent and detest their parentage and the children thereof. They are anti-humans, and anti-Divine, caught in a quasi existence with little hope for an immediate redemption. Their will and want is independent of others, and their hatreds are a'many."

The Azlan continued:

"They can contaminate men because they are made of men, and are therefore part of Man - herein is their grave threat."
"How can we fight them then?" Puck questioned further, having seen the trouble the demons had caused over aeons.

"When the last man to have dark and selfish thoughts has turned his nature to good, they shall either expire or reform ... until then, we cannot predict the outcome."

Puck could feel the weight of this and was saddened.

The Azlan could feel his seriousness, satisfied that he had been understood.

"In the meanwhile it is our contention that their spread is in fact growing, and their influence, corrupting the people of this planet. Those who have not the minds or wills yet strong enough to repel their dark suggestions are at risk of following them into the pit."

-Gabriel Brunsdon, Puck in Hell, Azlander Series

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