It was the Festival of the Lights and they all sat outside amongst the flags and streamers that murmured in the gentle wind. Every now and then a devotee would pass by them on the way inside to pray - each had an aura of solemnity and holiness.
Eric, Marley's father, was especially fond of these pious people. They had soothed his soul when he had needed it. And even though they had come to the Chapel for consolation, unknowingly they also gave it to the spirits of three dejected men, who in their past had been so restless and very troubled.
One person in particular - a cleaning woman for a city hotel - would come and stay over once a month, sleeping just inside the alcove behind the statue of Mary. She could not afford to pay for a bed anywhere within the town and felt safest hidden at night in amidst the incense and the candles.
Her name was Perizadeh, but that word sounded like a dangerous fish to Eric, so he nicknamed her to himself as Mandy. She had dark skin and wore silver bells, florid stripes and the same dress every time he had seen her. He suspected that this was her best dress, and it did look very charming.
Eric loved the feelings he experienced when he was close by her. She of course, had no idea just how close he would get sometimes. He would watch her as she sat deeply in prayer and all he could see was a soul that had barely any expectations of them ever being answered. It was as though she were running on empty, yet going a long way all the same, just to get through each day.
-Gabriel Brunsdon, Puck in Hell, Azlander Series
"Candlemas Day (the Christian festival of lights )
2nd February is Candlemas Day. This ancient festival marks the midpoint of winter, halfway between the shortest day and the spring equinox. Candlemas is a traditional Christian festival that commemorates the ritual purification of Mary forty days after the birth of her son Jesus."
"In pre-Christian times, this day was known as the 'Feast of Lights' and celebrated the increase strength of the life-giving sun as winter gave way to spring."
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