
Thursday, 25 October 2018

His Mind went to Azlan

"If Azlan himself could have done anything more to help people see the truth more clearly, wouldn't he have done it by now already without you having to ask him? Maybe you dreamt this meeting with him and it was just a fantasy from your tiring mind and nothing else, my dear Robin?" (Robin was a familiar, friendly name given to Puck, who used to share his tree-house with the species and loved them fondly.)

"Well then" answered Puck somewhat belligerently, "where did the glasses come from in the first place, and with them, their power to multiply themselves? Besides - I know what I know - and it was him I tell you. One day you will have the privilege to take his counsel also, like I did. To stand before him Goober is something you do not forget or get wrong ... his eyes see so far into your soul - if you can do this, you too will just know."

"Well I am just saying that a fact is a fact and most of the players we posted to have thrown them away by now, yet kept the Phoenix issue."

Puck tapped the table trying to regulate his thought.

His mind went to Azlan - and the answer came:

"They can see what is in front of them - they have always been able to - but for some insanity unknown, they are preferring not to."

And then it was that Puck knew what he had to do - he reached into his satchel, drew out the golden envelope and put his own pair on.

-Gabriel Brunsdon, Puck in Hell, Azlander Series 

Legend has it that when Jesus was dying on the cross, the robin, then simply brown in colour, flew to his side and sang into his ear in order to comfort him in his pain. The blood from his wounds stained the robin's breast, and thereafter all robins got the mark of Christ's blood upon them.
An alternative legend has it that its breast was scorched fetching water for souls in Purgatory.

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