
Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Choosing of one's own Future Self

The Azlan began: "Selective forgetfulness is one of the greatest actions within the evolution of Man. Rarely spoken of because of its deep magic – being that it consists of forgetting even itself."

He paused here waiting for Puck to gauge the wisdom of this.

"Think for but a moment how many small engagements comprise a mortal's day - every breath inhaled, every small thought visited, every bodily movement, every word spoken - it is all forgotten so very quickly as they move yet ever onward throughout forward.

"They can be conscious of these small things but are quick to dismiss any lasting recollection of them. The sorting is fast, and is to the mortal a prime taskmaster who must decide what information is worth retaining, and what is not.

"This 'simple' process is at the very root of all the knowing to follow. As the soul gathers its experience throughout eons of encounters and travails, there will be only a portion of these experiences and wisdoms consciously retained to be used later again.

“The very mystery and marvel of progression is the choosing of one's own future self, and what lies in this process, of the ability to selectively forget and keep the rest."

Puck had wished for a shorter answer that would straight way help him in getting Marley back. He also hoped that the Azlan could not hear his thoughts, for his respect outweighed this impatience, and did not want to appear unthankful.

The great lion looked upon him and purred to clear his voice. He continued:

"The short answer for what you seek is: All shall be discovered given the dust of time."

He then vanished, leaving Charlene and her father wondering.

-Gabriel Brunsdon, Puck in Hell, Azlander Series

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