
Sunday, 15 December 2019

Scanning back to early Atlantis

Forsythe looked steadily at him without drawing a breath and then continued - "we are much the same my friend", and, he paused dramatically to add -"obviously superior beings".

"We both know it - any fool could see it - our capabilities are next to no human: these impotent whingeing parasites with their candy floss philosophies - always trying to conceal countless inadequacies by positive impractical thinking. Mortals are unbearably, incredibly, tediously stupid - ranked just one above the Trolls and even so, the Trolls exceed most of their talents. What is there to be done to guide or coax them?"

Puck's mind scanned back to the era of early Atlantis - to a period of the Earth's evolution that was still very fresh within his recollection. That was a time when men's thoughts had been keener than they were today; their sciences were sharper and their clairvoyance was strong. The Kingdoms were aligned and worked cooperatively as one harmonious society until the dark Lords from the West had come. It was they who disrupted the finer societies with their impure ways and negligence. Without regard or conscience, the Golden Era was soon to tarnish and selfishness invade the lands.

With that had begun the first epidemic of true stupidity, where the skills of quick thinking and cognitive imagination pared back and the earth quaked under the very tension of it for centuries after.

-Gabriel Brunsdon, Puck in Hell, Azlander Series

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