
Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Beyond her Reach

Kumar Alzhanov

“Why am I not surprised Father. What is it you are up to now? Keeping a check on me? Or is it the Company I work for that you are watching?”

“Both” he said ruefully. The pain of losing her mother still bit him from the inside out. He thought back to the one time he could not foresee the dangers within the mortal world. This whole place was unpredictable. It had the surrounding worlds in a spin, constantly changing and rearranging itself. There was more magic to be found on Earth than there ever was in its neighbouring planes of Faerie, he had found.

“He’s called Chips now… Anon - he's called Chips.”

Charley wanted to bring Puck back from his melancholy. Every time she saw him pained, she wanted to rescue her dad from his sadness.

She could never really remember her mother, but there were times when she would sense her presence around her. Charley wished very often to have the second sight to actually see her, but try as she might, the invisible worlds remained just that - imperceptible and beyond her reach.

- Gabriel Brunsdon, AZLANDER: NEVER ENDINGS, Second Chances 

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