
Sunday, 28 February 2021

Chemical Marriage

“I have a chemist that will be joining us shortly - but in summary I would like to say that the composition of any substance ingested by a human being is transformed in such a way that not only is it biochemically exchanged, deranged and complex - it takes on a magical resource simply by the very transaction itself.

“The great Master Christ taught of this phenomenon in His example of the Communion bread and wine. This principle applies to all substances ingested and furthermore, not only do they hold an effect over the person who is taking them into themselves, but that human being evokes a change over that material also - transforming it ever after.

“This is the Chemical Marriage - this is the living transubstantiation - and although it appears to be just a physical transaction, its real persuasion lies upon the ethers casting forms - invoking new life - promoting more of the same - and morph-evolving into what will become the newer realm’s designs."

-Gabriel Brunsdon, AZLANDER: NEVER ENDINGS- Second Chances

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